Trademark Registration

A trademark is recognizable sign,design,or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others,although trademarks used to identify services are usually called Service marks.
Trademark Registration (brand name,company name,symbol or device)has its own advantages of gaining exclusive legal rights to user’s trademark and accords better protection of user mark.
The trademark owner can be individual,business organization,or any legal entity.Trademark registration is done through filingbazaar.
Search Your Trademark classes for Goods & Services CLICK HERE
Why trademark registration is required?
Trademark Registration (brand name,company name,symbol or device)has its own advantages
of gaining exclusive legal rights to user’s trademark and accords better protection of user mark.
It typically takes 6-7 days when all documents are correct and valid.
Health inspector of the concerned ward and zonal chief officer is the contact officer for license enquiry.
Best quality of trademark registration is that it help user to establish a unique identity of user company.
Renewal periods is from January First to March 31st of every year.
To apply for trademark, Click here.
To Open a zero-balance Business Current Account, Click here.
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